Individual Therapy

Are you ready to share the challenges you’re facing and obtain a clearer, more positive outlook, learn to believe in yourself and move forward in your relationships and life with confidence and optimism?
Life is filled with ups and downs. We all experience pain. It’s part of what makes us human. No matter who we are, where we live, or what we do, experiencing some form of personal wounding is common to us all.
Our growth lies in addressing these wounds and working through them. If they’re left unattended, they can lead to unhealthy relational patterns and ongoing trauma as the wound is experienced over and over again in different settings, be it at work, in our friendships, in our marriages, or with our parents or children.
Acknowledging the pain we have experienced and actively taking part in the healing process is the only way to achieve wholeness and freedom. And this is what counseling and psychotherapy are all about…

Professional counseling and psychotherapy can help you let go of the beliefs about how relationships and life work that aren’t bringing you happiness, overcome recurring obstacles, and move beyond unhelpful patterns of thought and behavior so you can create the healing and change in your life you desire.
Through Los Gatos Counseling Services, I provide a confidential, respectful, and empathic setting in which you can examine, discuss, and work through difficulties involving:
- Trauma
- Reproductive Crisis
- Life Transitions
- Substance Abuse
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Divorce
- Grief and Loss
- Self-esteem issues
- Blended family transitions
- Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Parenting
- Domestic disputes and/or violence
- Physical and sexual abuse
It’s not uncommon for people to have tried just about everything else to create the change they desire before deciding to seek professional counseling or psychotherapy. But nothing has worked – at least not for very long.
Therapy is an investment in your self-awareness, your ability to learn from your own mistakes and effectively navigate change, and your ability to create the best relationships and life you possibly can. And like most investments, successful therapy requires your time and commitment.
While therapy is rarely easy, if you’re ready and willing to be open and honest with yourself and committed to the process of self-healing and personal growth that therapy offers, you can learn to create the relationships and life you desire… The benefits of individual counseling and therapy can be limitless!
When you’re ready to move from personal and relational dysfunction towards health, individual counseling and therapy is the first, crucial step you need to take to heal your relationship with yourself first and then with the others in your life.